Freightliner had a chassis there that was used for some of the classes on learning your chassis.
Harry getting a lesson on the engine.
On Sunday the rally group car pooled out to River Break Ranch. This was a fun place at a working ranch where we were treated to a Bar-B-Que dinner after some fun activities.
We were given play money to bet on the horse races. Winnings could be used in the gift shop.
There was roping.
And practice roping!

Then we went inside for a delicious dinner. We were supposed to go for a horse drawn wagon ride down into a nearby canyon but due to too much rain lately it was too wet at the bottom but we still had a great time.
On Monday the entire group gathered around the freightliner chassis for a picture. Harry is front and center (kneeling) and I am behind him in a dark shirt. Look for this picture in the next Freightliner news letter.
Every morning we had a continental breakfast and every evening a happy hour and dinner in this country looking room . It was decorated really nice with antiques and swags with lights.
This is Bill & Lois the couple parked next to us and now new friends. They are such a neat couple and we spent a lot of time with them. He has his 83rd birthday coming up in April and they still travel wherever they want to go---including the FMCA Rally in Redmond, Oregon. Their home base is Texas. Harry and I agreed that we liked this smaller rally even better than the big FMCA rally---wonderful people and much more personal.
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