Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kristy's Birthday

Our youngest daughter Kristy celebrated her ?? birthday on October 15th. We are usually traveling and don't get to see her on her birthday. This year we were home and she took a much needed day off of work. She is the director of a daycare called "Little Mates" in Morgantown, Pa. She puts in many long hours at the center and is on call 24/7.

Harry and I took her for a nice breakfast, just the 3 of us. She said it was so nice to have just adult conversation for a change. No cake--no candles, but the Happy Birthday wishes were there just the same.
I did not take a picture of Kristy on her birthday so decided to use this one of her family on a trip to Disney this year. On the left is Haley (6 years) and on the right is Mackenzie (4 years). Her husband is Shane and they also celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary this past May.


Harry and I spent 2 weeks in Hawaii from September 25th to October 12th. It was a wonderful vacation that we had put off for 3 years. There was so much to do and see that I took almost 1000 pictures. No, I won't put them all on the blog but I will come back later to give a sampling of what we saw.

Faces of Mackenzie

Posted by PicasaSorry this is on twice but I am learning and I wanted you to be able to click on each picture to enlarge. Hopefully the second one will work. Besides--I never get tired of looking at that cute little face!

Mackenzie's Birthday

Mackenzie is our youngest granddaughter. She had her 4th birthday on September 25th. We celebrated her birthday a little early on Sept. 4th due to everyone's busy schedules later in the month.

Back In Time

It's been a long time since I have put anything on here. Today may be a good day to catch-up with what we have been doing. A lot has gone on over the past 2 months. We are at TT Orlando and a cool front has moved through. At present it is 65 degrees and compared to the high 80's with humidity, this feels cool. So working indoors seems like a good idea.