Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Santa's Helper
For the last 6 years Harry has transformed into one of Santa's helpers and goes to the daycare that our daughter works at to visit the children. He is so wonderful and patient with the children and has come home with some very funny stories to tell. Most of the children are receptive but a few always end up in tears. Of course our granddaughters have been there and it is so wonderful seeing them sit with Santa knowing that someday they will know they were actually sitting on "PopPop's" lap. Today after having our 4 year old granddaughter sit on his lap, she went to her Mother and asked, "Is that PopPop?" Of course Kristy denied it. It's hard to hide those large hazel eyes of his. The beard and hair are very bushy and look fake but the kids are so excited that I don't think they notice. He really likes making the kids smile and looks forward to it every year.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friends Christmas Dinner
Every year we have a Christmas get together with good friends Tom & Loraine and Keith & Marie. We have been mutual friends for many years. When I was going through my divorce I moved into Tom's apartment above his TV business. Amy and I had a very nice apartment there for several years. Over the years that I lived there I got to be close to his wife, Loraine.
She was responsible for getting Harry and I matched up----and two years later she lost her tenant----Harry and I got married. They also are the couple who got us into RVing.
As most of you know, Marie and I are 2nd cousins but I like to think of her as a friend first. Harry and I do quite a bit of camping with Keith & Marie.
Both couples have been great friends to us and we look forward to many good times and laughs together in the future.
We had a wonderful dinner made by Keith & Marie. We started with shrimp cocktail. That is what you see on our plates in the picture. The main course was homemade chicken pies, sauteed brussel sprouts, woldorf salad, and biscuits. For dessert Loraine made a delicious chocolate cake with chocolate icing. All was topped off with after dinner drinks of Keith's Kaluha---and of course I had to finish the wine so we wouldn't have to carry open wine bottles home in the car! It was a wonderful evening of making new memories, remembering some old memories and wonderful friendships. Thanks Keith & Marie for a wonderful meal.
Haley Up-date
Haley has been feeling better most of the time but continues to have stomach problems. She was again in the ER over the weekend for 6 hours to recieve IV fluid and medicine. They were trying to wean her off the steroids but obviously that is not going to work. So for now they have increased the dose for several more weeks. She is going to school but is limited in her activity because she gets tired and that is when she seems to have the most stomach pain and problems. If she gets too much pain or vomits Harry picks her up at school and she comes to Pop Pop and Nana's house for some tender loving care till her Mom is finished working. We just love having her here--she is such a dear--but would love it more if she were well. Thanks for all the continued prayers.
Amy's Birthday
Our daughter Amy celebrated a birthday on November 2nd while we were in Florida. We try to celebrate before we leave or after we return if we are not home on the actual day. I usually give the option of going out to dinner or having a family get together here at home with the dinner being their choice of a favorite meal and dessert. Amy usually likes a family dinner and one of her favorites is turkey ala king on waffles. She askes for it every year so I usually know what I am making for her ahead of time. And for her dessert I picked a cream puff cake. The meal turned out great and all 3 daughters and 2 granddaughters and my parents were here. It was a celebration a little late but still enjoyed by all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!
We were very fortunet to have my parents be able to join us. My father who is 88 years old has been not feeling well for several weeks. I went to the cardiologist with him to have his pacemaker checked and the battery was low causing his heart to beat ineffectively resulting in signs and symtoms of heart failure. They scheduled the pacer change date on the day we were having Amy's dinner. We went to the hospital in the morning. The procedure went well and we were home by 2:00 that afternoon. He was already feeling better that evening and had no problem eating his fill of the turkey and waffles!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Granddaughter's Progress

Several people have asked how our granddaughter is doing so I thought I would update on the blog then all can see her picture and learn how she is progressing. She is doing much better but far from being over the disease. She has something called HSP that effects her immune system for which she was hospitalized two times over the last three weeks. At her check-up this past Friday the doctor said it could continue for another week or two or several more months. They really don't know and her case is not typical. She is being weened off the steroids this week and we are praying that the symptoms do not return. Right now she is eating well with little stomach pain. She returned to school this past week---1/2 days at first and then whole day. She still wears slippers due to pain and swelling in her feet which gets worse as the day progresses. The rash is fading but continues to itch and cause irritation. This disease can cause kidney damage and they are monitoring her closely for that but so far, so good. Thank you to all who are praying for Haley. I will keep you posted on her progress.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
First Snowfall
Today we are having our first snowfall. From the window it looks
so pretty but later on we will have to go out and shovel! Then I
will be asking myself, " Is this really what I came home from Florida for?"
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Kristy's Birthday
Our youngest daughter Kristy celebrated her ?? birthday on October 15th. We are usually traveling and don't get to see her on her birthday. This year we were home and she took a much needed day off of work. She is the director of a daycare called "Little Mates" in Morgantown, Pa. She puts in many long hours at the center and is on call 24/7.
Harry and I took her for a nice breakfast, just the 3 of us. She said it was so nice to have just adult conversation for a change. No cake--no candles, but the Happy Birthday wishes were there just the same.
I did not take a picture of Kristy on her birthday so decided to use this one of her family on a trip to Disney this year. On the left is Haley (6 years) and on the right is Mackenzie (4 years). Her husband is Shane and they also celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary this past May.
Mackenzie's Birthday
Back In Time
It's been a long time since I have put anything on here. Today may be a good day to catch-up with what we have been doing. A lot has gone on over the past 2 months. We are at TT Orlando and a cool front has moved through. At present it is 65 degrees and compared to the high 80's with humidity, this feels cool. So working indoors seems like a good idea.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Granddaughters sleepover
"Mama" visits Hershey TT
On Wednesday we received a call that Laura (better known to many campers as "Mama") and Smitty had arrived at Hershey TT. We had been waiting for their visit for three years. We were not able to take the RV and stay at Hershey with them but got to visit on two days. Wednesday we drove over to Hershey and took them to see the flowers at the Hershey Hotel, drove them back to see where we live, had dinner and returned them to the campground. Tonight we met them at a restaurant in Lititz for dinner. They were driven there by Bob and Deb, their next door neighbor at the Chesapeake TT, who live about 1/2 hour from Hershey TT. It was a great dinner--we all had the buffet--and all had too much! It was fun all being together and we had a wonderful visit.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Clam Bake
Tonight we were invited to a clam bake by friends Keith & Marie. The occasion was to get together with friends Mitch & Barb who travel full-time in their RV and are staying at Hershey TT this week. The rain held off and we were able to enjoy sitting outside on their great deck. The menu included clams, shrimp, lobster, chicken, white and sweet potatoes, onions, and corn on the cob. And for desert fresh peach crumb pie and ice cream. What a feast and so delicious!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hershey TT Pickle-ball
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